


Choreographie Marie-Lena Kaiser, Tanz: Eva Pageix Eine Auftragsarbeit des "638 Kilo Tanz Festival" Essen


"Eva" ist eines der Kurzstücke von Marie-Lena Kaiser. Es ist außerdem eines ihrer ersten Stücke welches sie schon während ihres Studiums, außerhalb der Universität entwickelte. Nachdem sie mit Kurzstücken auf sich aufmerksam machte, wurde sie von dem lokalen Tanzfestival "638 Kilo Tanz" dazu beauftragt ein Stück für die Festival Ausgabe 2014 zu choreographieren. Mit dem Stück gewann sie den Jury-und Publikumspreis des drei-tägigen Festivals.


"Eva" is one of Marie-Lena Kaiser's short pieces. It is also one of her first pieces that she developed during her studies, outside of university. After attracting attention with her short pieces, she was commissioned by the local dance festival to choreograph another piece for the 2014 edition of the festival. With this piece she won the jury and audience award of the three-day festival.
"Eva" is one of Marie-Lena Kaiser's short pieces. It is also one of her first pieces that she developed during her studies, outside of university. After attracting attention with her short pieces, she was commissioned by the local dance festival "638 Kilo Tanz" to choreograph a piece for the 2014 edition of the festival. With this piece she won the jury and audience award of the three-day festival.


The piece 'Eva' is a comission work by the 638 Kilo Tanz Festival, Essen und the french Culture institut. The piece got awarded by the Jury and audienprize in 2015 by the named fastival. It is a solo Work about 25 miniutes for the dancer Eva Pageix.